Saturday, January 23, 2016


There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
John F. Kennedy
To understand how and why my Lose-The-Gut 60-Day Campaign got started click HERE

Support recommendations for any cleanse or detox program


What is Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is an old form of cleansing your colon by using filtered water. Colon Therapy is referred to by several names including: colon irrigation, colonics, colon therapy or high enema. Colon Therapy is a safe, effective method of removing stored fecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from your colon without the use of drugs or chemicals. By introducing purified filtered water into your colon, body waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis (muscle contraction). This process is repeated several times during a colon hydrotherapy session.

Of course this blog is all about disseminating information, but more importantly to share my experiences with health and wellness. Back in the early 1980s, I explored many alternative healing methods including colonics. I know there are some that will never be open to this and other healthcare modalities, and that's just the nature of our society. I suggest to be open, because this form of therapy has helped thousands upon thousands of people, and I know it is helping me through my program.

I am fortunate to have the finest team of women sharing my office space that provides this service. Their company name is Clear Way Health and I suggest you check them out. Below is an informative video on colonics and the services that Clear Way provides.

Colonics in Los Angeles - Learn More Here!


Green smoothie consisting of parsley, mango, banana, tangerine, and 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds, along with a multi grain sprouted muffin top with stoneground sprouted hemp seed butter, soaked raw unpasteurized almonds, kale chip sprinkles, and bilberry spread. All organic


Green smoothie consisting of parsley, mango, banana, tangerine, and 1 tablespoon of crushed kale chips, along with kale chips and soaked raw unpasteurized almonds seasoned with a agave, New Zealand Sea salt and Chia seeds.


Organic salad with Romain lettuce, avocado, raw sharp cheddar cheese, mushrooms, flax seed Crisps, and dates. Salad dressing consisting of balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.

Thanks for tuning in and offering your support, and remember to always count your blessings,

#losethegut #fromdudtostud #rswellness

DISCLAIMER: We make no claims that our information should be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or health condition. We are here to provide information that can be used to facilitate your wellness. When you do things to improve your own wellness, you would be surprised to see how many ailments and conditions fall by the wayside and disappear.

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