Monday, January 18, 2016


A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.
Bo Bennett
To understand how and why my Lose-The-Gut 60-Day Campaign got started click HERE


Oral Chelation

Toxic heavy metals like aluminum, lead, and mercury may have accumulated in the body's tissues and cells, year after year. In today's world, the air, the food, and the water are loaded with them. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include persistent headaches, brain fog, hypertension, muscle weakness, but pain, respiratory problems, and others. Heavy metal ions can cause inflammation and eventually destruction of the tissues.

The objective of any chelation is to soak up the non--water soluble debris, in an attempt to move it out of the tissues. The best cleansing occurs slowly and gradually. The safest way is to detoxify over a period of weeks, every day. This formula is unique--there's nothing like this combination anywhere. Years of research went into the decision for each ingredient. Three capsules a day for two months is the recommended initial program.

An essential element in any legitimate detox program, chelation in this sense means to clear 2 accumulations out of the body and from the arteries:
  1. Heavy metals form the tissues
  2. Placque form the arteries

Discussion of Oral Chelation versus Intravenous Chelation

Anyone who has ever been vaccinated, or had a mercury filling — those metals are bioaccumulative in the tissues. That means they last forever, unless they are chelated out. Autistic children are trying to chelate mercury out of their brain tissue. Oxidized oils and trans fats from fried foods and snack foods, are attracted to inflamed arteries. Phenols from canned foods, PCB, THM, CFC, and the 60,000 industrial chemicals produced in the modern world, which have access to our air food and water…. This condition grows worse year by year unless it is directly addressed. Drugs cannot clear the accumulation, as the manufacturers themselves admit.

​In the 60 Day Program we use a safe, traditional oral chelation formula that has decades of success behind it. It can be taken by a child of 18 months or a patient in his 90s. Even healthy people need to do this type of detox - anyone in the modern environment. Heavy metal toxicity can be the hidden cause of so many misdiagnosed labels that we simply cannot afford to overlook.

For more info on this supplement and all of the supplements in the Rocketship Wellness 60-Day Program click HERE.


Cup of pulp from organic oranges, orange juice, whole grain oatmeal and raw whole organic milk,
topped with black mission fig's, dates, hemp seeds, soaked organic raw almonds, and Chia seeds.


Green smoothie consisting of kale, pear, mixed berries, Banana, dates alongside some kale chips.
All ingredients are organic.


Broiled portobello mushroom seasoned with raw butter, sea salt and pepper, surrounded by yellow peas wrapped
in a buckwheat shell, sumo tangerine, and a green smoothie consisting of kale, mixed berries, pear, banana, and dates.

Thanks for tuning in and offering your support, and remember to always count your blessings,

#losethegut #fromdudtostud #rswellness

DISCLAIMER: We make no claims that our information should be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or health condition. We are here to provide information that can be used to facilitate your wellness. When you do things to improve your own wellness, you would be surprised to see how many ailments and conditions fall by the wayside and disappear.

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