Friday, January 22, 2016


The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer
To understand how and why my Lose-The-Gut 60-Day Campaign got started click HERE

Support recommendations for any cleanse or detox program

Getting support for any cleanse or detox program, is a very personal decision to make. The best I can do at this time, is share with you some support items that work for me. I like to receive a lot of bodywork that could include massage, reflexology, acupuncture, and other modalities.

This week I had an acupuncture treatment that included the use of fire cups, acupuncture needles, and essential oils.

Yes, this is me getting a cupping session
to help support my 60-day program.
 I feel fortunate to have a great licensed acupuncturist share our office space, which makes it extremely convenient to get in for a treatment. Besides practicing acupuncture, she is certified in aromatherapy, and massage. Her name is Maureen Alexander and I highly recommend her services.

She used a combination of acupuncture, cupping, and essential oils that left me feeling for centered, balanced, and ready to take on all the challenges of my public 60-day campaign. Fantastic!


Smoothie consisting of two organic blood oranges with a few dates, along with a pink grapefruit, 2 dates and Earth seed sprouted whole-grain bread topped with soaked raw unpasteurized almonds, stone ground hemp seed butter, hemp seeds. All organic.


Raw Young coconut mango nondairy yogurt. If you want to know how it's made just watch this video HERE.


Yellow peas wrapped in buckwheat, navel oranges, raw cheddar cheese alongside a green smoothie
with kale, mango, and banana. All organic.

Thanks for tuning in and offering your support, and remember to always count your blessings,

#losethegut #fromdudtostud #rswellness

DISCLAIMER: We make no claims that our information should be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or health condition. We are here to provide information that can be used to facilitate your wellness. When you do things to improve your own wellness, you would be surprised to see how many ailments and conditions fall by the wayside and disappear.

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