Sunday, January 24, 2016


What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.
Meister Eckhart
To understand how and why my Lose-The-Gut 60-Day Campaign got started click HERE

Support recommendations for any cleanse or detox program


When I think of yoga, a few things come to mind…

o   Inexpensive - the equipment involved with yoga is downright cheap. That’s all you need is a yoga mat really, but some accessories are also nice and they also are cheap. That would include a set of blocks, and some straps.
o   Versatile - there are a variety of styles to fit everyone’s personality. If you like a hard workout you can choose power yoga. If you like something more gentle try restorative yoga.
o   Easy - You don’t need much to get into it. All you need is your mat, you, and some floor space and get to work!
o   Therapeutic - yoga can help you recover from all sorts of physical injuries, as well as prevent them. Click HERE to see a nice article on yoga for back pain.
o   Accessible - Yoga is everywhere and very popular. If you have a connection to the Internet, just visit YouTube and you’ll be able to access many experts.
o   Common sense - Yoga can remind you of what’s most important. That is to be mindful of your body and your breath, and the importance of movement.

If you are serious about incorporating yoga into your life, I’d suggest splurging for a great yoga mat. Hey, it’s nice you purchase great equipment, and not have to take out a loan to do so.

I personally prefer power yoga, and we had such a great promoter of this style right here in Santa Monica. His name is Bryan Kest and you can reach him HERE. It's not the place that I would recommend for beginners. If yoga is new to you, I suggest to do your research and you'll I'm certain you'll be up in a Cobra and Down Dog in no time. 


Pink grapefruit, along with whole grain hot rice cereal, topped with banana, dates, Chia seeds, cinnamon, and agave.
All organic.


Green smoothie with parsley, mango, banana, dates along with kale chips, two small tangerines and two dates. All organic.


Went to dinner at a Chinese hot pot. I did the best I could and I have here some steamed fish with
some vegetables and some hot Chinese tea

Thanks for tuning in and offering your support, and remember to always count your blessings,

#losethegut #fromdudtostud #rswellness

DISCLAIMER: We make no claims that our information should be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or health condition. We are here to provide information that can be used to facilitate your wellness. When you do things to improve your own wellness, you would be surprised to see how many ailments and conditions fall by the wayside and disappear.

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